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Alt 27.08.2009, 14:52   #1

Benutzerbild von cromwell
Registriert seit: 13.11.2006
Ort: Finland
Beiträge: 92
Standard RTK6 bedieneinheit


I am sorry but I don´t speak any german but maybe some of you can understand english.
I wonder if my RTK6 control unit is programmable for different siren sounds?
It has only 5 buttons + volume buttons..
Some of these models are programmable for about 20 different sirensounds I have heard.

Here is a pic.

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Alt 27.08.2009, 14:57   #2

gesperrter Benutzer!
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I am sorry but I don´t speak any german but maybe some of you can understand english.
I wonder if my RTK6 control unit is programmable for different siren sounds?
It has only 5 buttons + volume buttons..
Some of these models are programmable for about 20 different sirensounds I have heard.

Here is a pic.


oh no. You can !

You have to remove the many black Clicks.
Then you have also many buttons.

After that, you have to Pull Vol + / Vol - and the button with a audio tape (on the right ) simultaneous for 3-4 Seconds.

Then you can choose any Sounds

With VOL + and VOL - you can jump with the courser.

The black light symbol activate the funktions. Also you can choose the numbers for the sounds.

At the end you have to hold the yellow button für 3-4 seconds.

After that you have the other sounds

Geändert von rtk6sl (27.08.2009 um 15:01 Uhr).
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Alt 27.08.2009, 15:03   #3

Benutzerbild von Peter
Name: Peter
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Basti made a YouTube-Video of this procedure. Anyone got the link?

˙˙˙uǝɟnɐʞ ʎɐqƎ ıǝq ɹnʇɐʇsɐʇ ǝuıǝ ɹǝpǝıʍ ǝıu ǝpɹǝʍ ɥɔI
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Alt 27.08.2009, 15:03   #4

gesperrter Benutzer!
Registriert seit: 09.04.2008
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Yes.... here is a Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l65vrl8_SpA

You can see from 0:17. There he starts zu program
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Alt 27.08.2009, 15:04   #5

Name: Yannic
Registriert seit: 18.10.2008
Ort: Halle (Westf.)
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Yes, you can change the siren sounds.

Here is a verry good video, that shows how to do it:

I hope, you can understand it...

Before you start to programm it, you have to remove the covers that protect the buttons!!
Otherwise you can´t push them

EDIT: *ahrg* zu spät / *ahrg* too late!
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Alt 27.08.2009, 15:24   #6

hat dieses Thema eröffnet
Benutzerbild von cromwell
Registriert seit: 13.11.2006
Ort: Finland
Beiträge: 92

Thanks for your very fast answers boys!

I also have some another questions..

Can I use a 100w US-speaker with this RTK6 siren?

Is there a way to change the volume from the sirenspeaker so that the sound would not be so load when testing the siren indoors?
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Alt 27.08.2009, 15:47   #7

Name: Yannic
Registriert seit: 18.10.2008
Ort: Halle (Westf.)
Beiträge: 3.242

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Thanks for your very fast answers boys!

I also have some another questions..

Can I use a 100w US-speaker with this RTK6 siren?

Is there a way to change the volume from the sirenspeaker so that the sound would not be so load when testing the siren indoors?

So far as I know, you can´t use another speaker.
But I´m not sure....

Here is an instruction, how to decrease the volume of the sound. >klick<

I hope it helps you!

Geändert von Yannic-Paderborn (27.08.2009 um 15:50 Uhr).
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